6 Common Warning Signs of Asthma

6 Common Warning Signs of Asthma

Asthma is a physical condition in which the patient finds it extremely difficult to breathe properly due to narrowing of the airways and excessive production of mucus. This condition may be triggered due to a variety of different factors such as dust in the air, pollen, chemical fumes, extreme weather conditions, or certain types of physical exercise. There are certain early signs and symptoms that you should watch out for when suspecting asthma: 1. Frequent cough If someone is known to experience frequent episodes of excessive coughing, especially when laughing or performing intense physical activity, it is quite possible that they may be suffering from asthma. While this is more straightforward for adults, there can be a variety of reasons for tremendous coughing when it comes to children and is usually healed on its own. In people with asthma, such fits of coughing are usually experienced in the night more often than in the day. 2. Trouble breathing Due to the constriction of airways and excessive production, it is commonly observed that people with asthma are known to experience difficulty breathing even when they are not experiencing an asthma attack. They may also experience a constant feeling of tightness in their chest that happens due to the tremendous strain experienced by the lungs.
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5 Most Effective Modes of Birth Control

5 Most Effective Modes of Birth Control

Birth control is when one prevents pregnancy using methods such as medications, procedures, and devices. When it comes to birth control modes, there is no single “best” option for every woman. What birth control mode is right for another woman might not be suitable for another. Moreover, at different stages of life, one might want to use different methods, depending on various factors. So, here are some of the most effective modes of birth control. 1. Female and male sterilization This is the most effective mode of birth control, as it makes pregnancy nearly impossible. This is the best option for men and women who are sure that they do not want a child in the future. The method involves surgical procedures like tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men. Both procedures are safe, and recovery only takes a few days. Also, it’s crucial to know that neither of these procedures impacts sexual functions in any way. 2. Long-acting reversible contraceptives This is another very effective mode of birth control that reduces pregnancy by 99%. As the name suggests, long-acting contraceptives are for women looking for an effective, long-lasting birth control technique. This birth control method involves inserting an implant into a woman’s arm or an IUD (intrauterine device) into the uterus.
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Severity Levels and Early Signs of Hemophilia

Severity Levels and Early Signs of Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare genetic disorder that causes the deficiency of blood clotting proteins called clotting factors. It triggers excessive bleeding, both externally and internally. The early warning signs of hemophilia depend on the severity of the condition. The most common symptoms of hemophilia are excessive bleeding from wounds and cuts, deep bruises, swelling or tightness in the joints, unexplainable nosebleeds, unexplainable irritability in infants, and unusual bleeding after injections or vaccinations. Let’s look at the symptoms that manifest in the different levels of severity of this condition: 1. Mild hemophilia Usually, people with mild hemophilia do not experience any symptoms. That said, if they injure themselves or undergo surgery, they face a higher risk of experiencing excessive bleeding than others who do not have the condition. Women with this bleeding disorder may experience excessive bleeding during childbirth or during their menstrual cycles, and children born with this condition may not notice any symptoms until adulthood. 2. Moderate hemophilia People with a moderate deficiency of the clotting factor or moderate hemophilia bruise easily and experience excessive or profuse bleeding when bruised. They also experience spontaneous bleeding and unexplainable nosebleeds. Another early warning sign of moderate hemophilia is that patients notice an unusual amount of blood when getting an injection.
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Foods Migraine Patients Should Avoid

Foods Migraine Patients Should Avoid

Migraines are not common headaches. Rather, a migraine is a recurring, distressing condition characterized by throbbing or pulsating pain that affects children and adults of all ages. Migraines can be mild or severe, depending on triggers including changes in diet, medical complications, and changes in your immediate surroundings. There is no cure for migraines, but certain treatment options help improve the quality of your life. Eliminating the following foods and beverages from your diet can help manage the symptoms of migraine better: 1. Processed foods Preservatives and additives can trigger migraines soon after consumption. Tasty meats, for example, are packed with sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite that trigger a splitting headache. The usual suspects among food triggers include bacon, salami, hot dogs, and baloney, among several other types of meats used in making subs and sandwiches. It is advisable to monitor the consumption of these meats or switch to more organic, preservative-free options to avoid having a migraine. 2. Fermented foods and dairy Dairy products include common favorites, such as yogurt and kefir, which are cultured and rich in bacteria necessary for fermentation. Fermented and aged dairy can trigger headaches due to indigestion. Even different types of cheese that are aged and matured for months or years are rich in a substance known as tyramine, that causes the blood vessels to expand.
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5 Lifestyle Tips That Can Help Manage and Treat UTI

5 Lifestyle Tips That Can Help Manage and Treat UTI

More than 8 million people suffer from urinary tract infections (UTI) in the country every year. It leads to symptoms such as the frequent urge to urinate, blood in the urine, and pain in the upper back. The severity of these symptoms depends on whether the microbes have taken refuge in the upper or lower urinary tract. While antibiotics and antivirals are commonly prescribed for the disease, these simple lifestyle tips prove equally helpful. 5 Lifestyle Tips That Can Help Manage and Treat UTI 1. Drink a lot of water Water is a great filter that can help prevent as well as treat UTI. The water you drink goes into the kidney, from where it passes into the bladder to be flushed out. There, it nullifies the effect of UTI-causing microbes and flushes it with it during urination. Additionally, water can help reduce symptoms like burning as it dilutes the urine and makes it less harmful. 10 to 12 glasses of water is generally recommended for people suffering from UTI or similar problems. 2. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugary drinks It’s best to avoid caffeinated beverages and sugary drinks until your UTI has cured completely. Caffeine and similar drinks act as a diuretic, making you urinate more frequently.
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6 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Reduce Arthritis Symptoms

6 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Reduce Arthritis Symptoms

While arthritis is by no means an easy condition to deal with, certain lifestyle measures can help reduce symptoms. In addition to taking doctor-prescribed medications for arthritis—such as Xeljanz, Tremfya, Actemra, Rinvoq, Skyrizi, Simponi aria, Apremilast, and over the counter pain relievers like Voltaren and Advil—making the right dietary choice is the most crucial step. The proper kind of food reduces inflammation and boosts joint health. Anti-inflammatory foods are the most effective and should, therefore, form a significant part of an arthritis patients’ diet. Let’s take a look at six of the best anti-inflammatory foods for arthritis patients. 1. Broccoli Broccoli is healthy for everyone. It comes packed with various vitamins and minerals that counter troublesome agents and help in the overall development of the body. Arthritis patients are also advised to consume broccoli regularly since it reduces inflammation in the body’s tissues. Kaempferol, a flavonoid, is a major reason behind broccoli’s ability to fight inflammation, and the fact why several stem cell therapy manufacturing companies like Cellular Biomedicine Group and Freeline Therapeutics are incorporating natural flavonoids in therapies. Also, the sulforaphane in broccoli, meanwhile, might help in preventing osteoarthritis, one of the most common forms of arthritis. 2. Berries Berries are highly nutritious fruits that are great for arthritis patients.
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6 Warnings Signs for Liver Cancer

6 Warnings Signs for Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is a condition that occurs when tumors and cancerous cells develop inside of the liver. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common type of liver cancer. Liver cancer is a lot easier to treat if it is detected early, before it spreads to other parts of the body. However, the key to getting the right treatment is to recognize the symptoms. You should see your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms to be referred to a liver cancer treatment center: 1. White or chalky stools It is important to pay attention to the way that your stool looks. The color of your stool can vary, and it is largely dependent on your diet. However, if your stool is white and chalky, then this is a sign that you do not have enough bile reaching your stool, which could indicate a problem with the liver. 2. Nausea and vomiting It is common for you to occasionally feel nauseous and vomit. However, if you notice chronic nausea and vomiting, then it is a good idea to see your doctor. A liver tumor can create hormones that cause you to feel nauseous and vomit. 3. Jaundice Jaundice is a medical term used to describe the yellowing of the eyes or skin.
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The Risk of Teeth Restorations and Their Associated Costs

The Risk of Teeth Restorations and Their Associated Costs

Teeth restorations are often necessary for individuals who experience dental issues such as tooth decay, damage, or loss. These restorations can include anything from dental fillings to implants and can come with their own set of risks and the costs of dental implants can be expensive. While these restorations can improve one’s oral health and appearance, it is important to consider the potential risks and costs associated with them. In this listicle, we will explore the risks of teeth restorations and their associated costs: 1. Sensitivity or general discomfort After getting a dental restoration, it is common for patients to experience sensitivity or general discomfort. This discomfort can range from mild to severe and may last for a few days or even a few weeks. While this discomfort is usually temporary, it can still be uncomfortable and can make it difficult to eat or drink certain foods. To alleviate this discomfort, patients can take over-the-counter pain medication or use a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. 2. Infection or allergic reaction to the metals used Dental restorations often involve the use of metals such as titanium or nickel. While these metals are generally safe, some individuals may be allergic to them.
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5 Warning Signs of Lupus and Medical Treatments

5 Warning Signs of Lupus and Medical Treatments

Medical Treatment For Lupus Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect any part of the body, including the skin, joints, kidneys, and organs. The condition is characterized by inflammation and tissue damage caused by the immune system attacking healthy cells and tissues. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to manage symptoms and prevent long-term complications. There are also many medical treatments that can help with Lupus including GSK’s BENLYSTA drug and LUPKYNIS drug for lupus nephritis. Here are five warning signs of lupus and medical treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms: 1. Fatigue One of the most common symptoms of lupus is extreme fatigue, which can be overwhelming and debilitating. It can be caused by the body’s immune response to the disease, as well as the stress and anxiety associated with living with a chronic illness. Medical treatments such as BENLYSTA, a drug developed by GSK specifically for lupus, have been shown to reduce fatigue in patients. 2. Joint pain and stiffness Lupus can cause inflammation in the joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and swelling. Over-the-counter pain relievers can provide temporary relief, but for more severe cases, doctors may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications such as LUPKYNIS, which has recently been approved by the FDA for the treatment of lupus nephritis.
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5 Prostate Cancer Foods To Avoid and Treatment Options

5 Prostate Cancer Foods To Avoid and Treatment Options

Treating Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer among men. It occurs when the cells in the prostate gland grow uncontrollably and form a tumor. Prostate cancer symptoms can vary, but they may include difficulty urinating, blood in the urine or semen, or pain in the lower back or hips. While there are several treatments available for prostate cancer, including surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy, advanced prostate cancer may require additional treatment options. In recent years, there has been a significant advancement in the field of advanced prostate cancer drugs like XTANDI (Enzalutamide), ERLEADA (Apalutamide), Rubraca (Rucaparib), and ORGOVYX (Relugolix). These drugs have shown promising results in treating advanced prostate cancer and can help improve the quality of life for patients. Additionally, advanced prostate cancer immunotherapy and chemotherapy are also being used to treat patients with advanced prostate cancer. However, diet and lifestyle changes can also play a role in managing prostate cancer. In this listicle, we will focus on 5 prostate cancer foods to avoid: 1. Red meat Red meat, such as beef, lamb, and pork, contains high levels of saturated fat, which has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer.
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