5 Possible Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

5 Possible Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that arises from the damage caused to the nervous system. This damage is inflicted upon the individual’s nerves by their immune system. The myelin sheath, which is a protective covering of nerves, is constantly attacked by the immune system leading to its destruction. This results in the loss of coordination between the brain and the body. Like every other health condition, MS, too, presents itself with a set of symptoms. Although there is no cure for the condition, it is possible to treat the symptoms and avoid further complications. Here are five treatment options for MS patient 1. Steroids Multiple sclerosis is managed by using oral and intravenous steroids. Prednisone and Methylprednisolone are used to control flare-ups. These corticosteroid drugs also help manage MS symptoms. The disease-modifying drugs used in this condition prevent the immune system from attacking the nerves. The drugs, however effective, have multiple side effects. Some of these side effects include fluid retention, mood swings, insomnia, increased glucose levels, and increased blood pressure. 2. Plasmapheresis Plasmapheresis is the exchange of plasma in the patient to manage flare-ups and sudden onset of attacks. It is also used as an alternative treatment method in MS patients when they are not responding to steroids.
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Seasonal Allergies and Asthma – 8 Cities to Avoid

Seasonal Allergies and Asthma – 8 Cities to Avoid

Most people in the country suffering from nasal allergies or asthma are affected by seasonal allergens and the cities to avoid for respiratory patients are listed below. For seasonal allergies, cities are ranked on basis of their pollen scores, allergy medications used per person, and the number of board-certified allergists per 10,000 people. These factors define the total score of each city. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), the below cities are listed as the worst for those with seasonal allergies and asthma. 1. Jackson, Mississippi With a total score of 100, Jackson held its place as the most pollen polluted city in the years 2017 and 2018. The pollen count and the medicinal use is ranked worse than average by the AAFA. 2. Memphis, Tennessee The warm temperature of Memphis is why trees and flowers thrive and add to the seasonal allergy problem. With a score of 94.74, and a pollen count and medicine use ranking of worse than average, there’s a high probability of things going worse. 3. Richmond, Virginia This city has earned the top spot on most lists of the worst cities for seasonal allergies or asthma. Richmond is famous for the use of allergy medicines since it’s common for people to be down with a cold or a stuffy nose around the year.
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4 Treatments Recommended for Prostate Cancer Management

4 Treatments Recommended for Prostate Cancer Management

Prostate cancer is a condition wherein the cells of the prostate gland grow rapidly. It is one of the most common types of cancer to affect men. Age is one of the main risk factors, and it is estimated that 13 out of 100 men will develop some form of the cancer in their lifetime. Early diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment for this progressive disorder. 1. Radiation therapy Radiation therapy is one of the most common treatments used in cancer. For prostate cancer, there are two primary approaches: External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) and Brachytherapy (Internal Radiation). External Radiation involves the use of targeted beams fired from outside of the prostate gland to destroy the cancer cells in the early stages and prevent them from spreading. There are several new technologies involved in EBRT treatment, including 3D- CRT scan and mapping, advanced image-guided and volumetric modulated arc therapy, stereotactic body radiation, and proton beam radiation therapy. Brachytherapy, on the other hand, involves the use of targeted radiation pellets that are placed in the prostate during surgery to target the cancerous cells. These pellets discharge a small amount of radiation in the affected area to kill the malicious cells.
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Various Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer

Various Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer

Cervix connects the birth canal to the upper part of the uterus. Uncontrolled growth of malicious cells in the cervix triggers cervical cancer. Women above the age of 30 may contract an infection triggered by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Persistent infection results in the development of cervical cancer. It is quite possible to treat cancer in its early stages and improve quality of life to a significant extent. Read on to know the preferred treatment options for cervical cancer. 1. Radiation therapy Targeted radiation is used to kill malicious cells in the affected area. This possibly curbs the growth and spread of cancer to vital lymph nodes. In fact, concurrent chemoradiation is first suggested for most cases of cervical cancer. Two primary approaches include External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) and Brachytherapy (Internal Radiation). EBRT involves the use of machines that produce targeted beams of radiation concentrated in the affected area to destroy cancer cells. Brachytherapy is often used for early-stage cervical cancer treatment and most often as a part of EBRT techniques. There are two types, mainly Low Dose Rate (LDR) brachytherapy and High Dose Rate (HDR) brachytherapy. LDR requires the patient to remain hospitalized for the entire duration of the treatment with low dose radiation.
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GERD – Foods to Eat and Avoid

GERD – Foods to Eat and Avoid

When there is acid backflow from the stomach to the esophagus, acid reflux occurs, resulting in a bloated stomach, a burning chest, pain, and discomfort. It doesn’t usually lead to emergencies or complications, but it isn’t a day at a park either. Managing your diet can often help with its symptoms and frequency. In this article, we will be discussing foods that you should avoid and consume if you have GERD. Foods to avoid for GERD 1. Fried and fatty food Greasy and fried foods are generally harder to digest and thus, slow down the stomach from emptying itself. If you are suffering from GERD, you may want to avoid red meat, onion rings, fried chicken, among other fried foods. 2. Spicy food Spicy foods like chili powder and peppers can aggravate symptoms like burning and irritation. Plan your meals ahead of time according to your spice tolerance. 3. Alcoholic, carbonated, or caffeinated beverages Sodas, coffee, tea, and alcohol can promote your symptoms of GERD. Only consume beverages that you can tolerate. 4. Chocolate Consuming chocolate increases the acid exposure time, which aggravates your symptoms. Chocolate also contains fat, caffeine, and cocoa, and these are not suitable for GERD patients.
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5 Natural Remedies for Fighting Hyperhidrosis

5 Natural Remedies for Fighting Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessive sweating. Patients suffering from the problem tend to sweat out for no apparent reason, and it can even lead to disruption in day to day activities. The good news, though, is that different forms of treatment can help control and manage hyperhidrosis. Medications and dietary changes can resolve the problem, while surgery to remove the sweat glands is effective for more severe cases. Natural remedies are also extensively used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. They’re easy to incorporate and prove quite effective in controlling sweat and its associated effects. While tons of different substances can prove useful against excessive sweating, these six items are both potent and easy to find or make in most households. 1. Lemon Lemon is one of the most effective natural remedies against excessive sweating and bad odor. The citric acid in it helps reduce sweating and fights off the bacteria responsible for unpleasant odor. What’s more, you can incorporate it in different ways. You can either cut it in half and apply it on your underarms, or mix the juice with baking soda and then apply the mixture. 2. Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil combats sweating better than most types of essential oils.
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3 Natural Remedies to Manage Sleep Apnea Symptoms

3 Natural Remedies to Manage Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects the breathing of an individual while sleeping. This condition often causes breathlessness while sleeping. Many who have sleep apnea are not aware of this condition; however, if left undiagnosed and untreated, this condition can lead to a multitude of health complications. The symptoms of sleep apnea are often misunderstood as snoring, but it can lead to poor mental health, exhaustion, memory loss, an increased risk of heart failure, and poor immune function. Common modes of medication and treatment for sleep apnea include breathing aids and surgery. However, simple lifestyle changes can also help. To help you, here are three natural ways to manage sleep apnea. 1. Maintain a healthy weight Research has shown that a higher level of upper body weight can put pressure on and obstruct the nasal passages. These obstructions can lead to a shortage of breath or other breathing troubles while sleeping, which can lead to sleep apnea. Maintaining a healthy weight can actually help, as it reduces the pressure on and the resulting obstruction of the air pipe. Maintaining a healthy weight can also reduce the need for upper airway surgery or CPAP therapy. One of the best ways of maintaining a healthy weight is by following a regular exercise routine.
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7 Simple Tips to Keep Cold and Flu Away

7 Simple Tips to Keep Cold and Flu Away

People come down with the flu, cough, or cold way too often, which has made falling ill seem normal. That said, feeling under the weather or catching a cold wouldn’t be so common with hygienic habits in place. Not only do these illnesses make you feel drowsy and lethargic, but they can also cause weakness and interfere with your routine. Follow these simple prevention tips for cold and flu and stay healthy: 1. Wear a face mask Doctors everywhere insist on wearing a mask because viruses can enter the body through the nose and mouth. A face mask can prevent contact with germs in the air and reduce the chances of viral transmission between people. So, wear a mask that fits your face well and covers your nose and mouth properly. 2. Sanitize your hands regularly Respiratory illnesses like cold and cough spread easily with unclean hands. To keep your hands free of germs, use an alcohol-based sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water, especially before eating meals or touching your face. This will kill germs and curb the spread of diseases. 3. Avoid direct contact with the sick You may have noticed several family members taking ill at once.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Setting Up a Home Gym

Advantages and Disadvantages of Setting Up a Home Gym

Each month we spend a significant amount of our earnings on memberships to fitness centers and clubs. A bunch of us never again see the inside of the gym, for reasons of our own. But keep paying up the fees in hopes of going in someday. A good alternative to that is planning home workout sessions. Before you make up your mind, think about the pros and cons of working out at home. 1. Flexibility You know, flexibility is one of the best benefits of working out at home. It’s not possible for all of us to match our timings with our local gyms. The ones we do match with are sometimes too far or are pricier than the ones we are willing to pay for. Basically, a bunch of things makes it stressful for us to plan a schedule and successfully stick to it. Some of us have caretaking responsibilities and families to look after. In such cases, it is definitely a major benefit to be able to have a workout session whenever you find the time. 2. Easier to excuse yourself With pros come cons. One of the most common cons of working out at home is that we tend to keep pushing it back.
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Key Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer

Key Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect at an early stage, but being aware of certain risk factors may help with early diagnosis and even prevent the disease. It’s important to keep in mind that having one or many risk factors does not mean that one will certainly develop ovarian cancer. In fact, those without any risk factor can also suffer from the disease. Having said that, researchers have identified several factors that put one at a higher risk for ovarian cancer. 1. Genetic predisposition Mutation in primarily two genes—breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) or breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2)—have been linked to ovarian cancer. Data indicates that about 10 to 15 percent of all ovarian cancers arise due to mutations in either of these two genes. Also, both genes are associated with breast cancer, so women who have had breast cancer are naturally at a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. Another genetic factor that slightly increases the risk of developing ovarian cancer is Lynch syndrome or hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Women who have inherited this condition possess a smaller risk of developing the disease. 2. Family history A family history of ovarian cancer is one of the biggest risk factors.
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