5 Foods to Help Keep ADHD Symptoms at Bay

5 Foods to Help Keep ADHD Symptoms at Bay

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a type of brain disorder that causes symptoms of extreme impulsivity, fidgetiness, and an inability to pay attention. It is estimated that 4–6% of adults and around 7% of children in the country suffer from it. While medications help in controlling the symptoms, it is vital to also make certain dietary changes. The following are some foods that can help to manage ADHD symptoms. 1. Complex carbohydrates Peaking blood sugar levels can worsen ADHD symptoms. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread, brown rice, beans, and lentils are a rich source of complex carbohydrates and have a low glycemic value. This helps in countering blood sugar spikes. Complex carbohydrates also help in keeping full for a longer time and encourage better sleep. 2. Fish oil Fish oil from cold-water fatty fishes like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, and sardines is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can effectively manage several aspects of ADHD. Not only are they essential for normal brain function, but they also help in lowering blood sugar levels, thereby reducing symptoms such as hyperactivity. However, every individual can have different omega-3 requirements. Hence, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding the daily dosage of fish oil.
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5 Effective Ways to Tackle an Overactive Bladder

5 Effective Ways to Tackle an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder is a condition that causes a sudden and frequent urge to urinate. Some people also experience unintentional loss of urine, which is referred to as urinary incontinence. The condition is more common in women than men. OAB can be an embarrassing health condition to deal with, as it can mean wearing bladder leakage pads and hinder your social and professional life. As organizations like the MSKCC (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) continue research on bladder health, we present some lifestyle tips that can be used to effectively manage OAB: 1. Don’t overhydrate While it is important to stay hydrated for the body to function properly, drinking beyond the standard requirement can worsen OAB. Doctors usually suggest drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. However, body fluids are processed based on diet and environment. It is also not recommended to cut back on hydration completely, as the lack of fluids can make the urine more concentrated, thereby irritating the bladder and leading to frequent urination. Hence, doctors suggest spacing out the drinking intervals to make sure that it does not aggravate the condition. Avoiding consuming fluids right before bedtime also helps manage an overactive bladder without disrupting sleep.
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Natural Herbs to Manage the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Herbs to Manage the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that can affect men at any age. This dysfunction is characterized by a man’s ability to achieve or maintain an erection. Thankfully, today’s medicinal treatments offer solutions to this problem, and there are organic herbs to treat the dysfunction. If you don’t want to opt for medicines or complicated surgeries, here’s a list of natural herbs that can help erectile dysfunction. 1. Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo is a herb used since years by practitioners to treat a variety of health conditions. Like any other medicine would work, Ginkgo Biloba dilates blood vessels to promote blood flow to the sexual organs. However, Ginkgo elevates the risk of bleeding. So steer clear of the herb in case of an injury as the bleeding may not stop. 2. Red ginseng (Panax ginseng) Herbal practitioners commonly use this Korean herb, which promotes blood flow by elevating the amount of nitric oxide. Also, it influences hormones that are associated with erection. Red ginseng is known to cause observable side effects like insomnia; however, it is safe if taken in moderation and on a short term basis. 3. Yohimbine Before the 1990s, when Viagra was commonly used for erectile dysfunction, practitioners recommended the herb Yohimbine.
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6 Alternative Ways To Counter Dry Eyes

6 Alternative Ways To Counter Dry Eyes

Tears help lubricate the eyes, promote clear vision, and ensure that the eyes are clean. Lack of tears can lead to a condition called dry eyes. As the name suggests, the problem is marked by the deficiency of moisture in the eyes, causing pain, blurred vision, and redness. Environmental factors and various types of underlying conditions usually lead to dry eyes. Fortunately, the condition can be treated in quite a few ways. Conventional treatment methods involve using tear-stimulating medications or light therapy. Popular alternative ways of treatment make use of simple but effective techniques and substances to increase the production of tears. To help you, here are six alternative treatment methods for dry eyes. 1. Stay hydrated It sounds easy but staying hydrated can get challenging if you’re suffering from dry eyes. The constant pain and irritation due to the condition might make you forget about drinking water, leaving you dehydrated and uncomfortable. Regular water intake also ensures that the eye fluids are replenished continuously, thereby keeping the eyes in proper condition. 2. Blink regularly Yet another easy way to treat dry eyes is to blink more frequently. This helps evenly distribute eye fluids, while it also renews tear film and provides overall protection to the eyes.
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5 Foods That Can Help Fight Gout

5 Foods That Can Help Fight Gout

Gout is an inflammatory arthritis that causes pain, tenderness, and redness in the affected joints. It happens when uric acid builds up in the body and forms crystals around the joints. Many experts say that eating certain foods, especially those full of anti-inflammatory properties, can help prevent gout in general as well as recurring gout attacks. So, below we’ve listed some of the best anti-inflammatory and other types of foods for people with gout. 1. Cherries Cherries are one of the best anti-inflammatory foods for people with gout. Also, they are rich in antioxidants, and some studies suggest that cherries can help lower uric acid levels in the blood. However, researchers are unsure whether eating cherries can help alleviate the signs and symptoms of gout. Typically, doctors recommend gout patients to eat half a cup to one cup of cherries every day. Drinking cherry juice or taking cherry supplements in the form of capsules will also produce the same effect. 2. Dairy products Multiple studies have shown that proteins found in dairy products can help lower uric acid levels in the body. Doctors recommended choosing low-fat dairy foods, such as low-fat yogurt or skim milk, as they have anti-inflammatory properties that can significantly reduce the risk of developing gout.
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The Effects of Climate and Weather on Eczema

The Effects of Climate and Weather on Eczema

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a condition where the body is not able to trap the moisture in the skin, which leads to dryness, itchiness, and more. Healthy skin usually has a protective barrier around it. In case, an individual has a compromised or broken skin barrier, they can develop eczema. This article focuses on how the weather can affect this skin disease and the best and worst climates for this condition. Weather Vs Eczema Humans have the ability to adapt to different climates and weather conditions. But, those who suffer from eczema can often see aggravated symptoms and flareups based on the climate. For example, winter and cold climates can lead to further dryness of the skin, which can worsen the symptoms of eczema. Individuals who suffer from the disease can thus experience worse cases of itching and flakiness. Not to mention, sweaters made of wool and other material can affect the skin negatively too. Hot weather can also have an adverse effect on eczema. Summer and other hot climates are typically accompanied by high pollen count, which is a known trigger of the condition. Hot and dry climates can also affect the skin negatively. Humidity can lead to sweating, which can again cause eczema to flare as it contains small amounts of metal and minerals.
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Hepatitis C – Top Symptoms and Causes

Hepatitis C – Top Symptoms and Causes

Hepatitis C is a disease that causes inflammation of the liver. It is a blood-borne disease that spreads via the hepatitis-C virus (HCV) and can cause serious damage to your liver. It can lead to other complications like liver cancer or liver failure and if left untreated, can also lead to the death of an individual. Type C is the most serious among other Hepatitis infections. In this article, we will be discussing the most prominent symptoms and causes of hepatitis C. 1. Symptoms The symptoms of hepatitis C are usually unnoticeable when the infection is still acute. However, when the infection begins to increase, you may experience mild to extreme symptoms. Some of the commonly experienced symptoms are Fever Abdominal pain Fatigue Loss of appetite Yellow discoloration Weight loss Pain in the joints or muscles Abnormal urine and bowel movements Mood swings 2. Causes Hepatitis C is transmitted if the blood of an infected person contains the HCV. If you come in contact with the blood of an infected person, you can contract hepatitis C. Other bodily fluids also contain the virus, however, the effects of the virus are not as strong as those in blood. The virus can survive outside the body too.
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The 4 Types of SMA and Their Symptoms

The 4 Types of SMA and Their Symptoms

Spinal muscular atrophy is a condition in which the body’s muscles are unable to function properly due to genetic malfunction. This can hinder muscle development as the body grows and weaken one’s arms, legs, and other muscular parts. It may occur in newborns too. The condition is categorized into different types according to when symptoms manifest. This article looks at the different types of spinal muscular atrophy that are known about. 1. Type 1 Also known as the Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, this type of SMA occurs in newborns. Babies may show symptoms soon after birth or within the first six months. Usually, parents will know if their babies have SMA or not by the time they cross three months. This is because, by then, they begin to show signs like the inability to swallow food or keep their head straight. Babies may also require support to hold or reach out to something as their arms may feel extremely weak. This type of SMA needs utmost care as it is life-threatening. 2. Type 2 Children with type 2 SMA develop symptoms between seven and eighteen months. Unlike type 1 that affects the arms primarily, type 2 targets the leg muscles. Affected children may not be able to walk, which means they will need to be given support or be carried around.
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Causes and Treatment of Nasal Polyps

Causes and Treatment of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths that occur in the inner lining tissue or the mucosa of the nose. It often feels like a cold that just won’t go away. Individuals who suffer from the condition often report that over-the-counter or allergy medication do not help with their nasal congestion. There are many potential causes of nasal polyps. This article will focus on the causes of nasal polyps and a few modes of treatment. What causes nasal polyps? Unfortunately, doctors do not yet know what exactly contributes to the development of the condition. However, scientists have learned about a few factors that could increase the risk of developing nasal polyps. These risk factors include: 1. Recurring sinus infections Nasal polyps are usually a result of prolonged inflammation in the nasal passage. Those who suffer from recurring sinus infections also tend to have inflammation in the sinuses and the nasal passage, increasing the risk of the eventual development of nasal polyps. 2. Asthma attacks Asthma is another breathing condition that can lead to nasal polyps. Individuals who have asthma tend to have inflamed airways, which can be triggered due to allergies or sensitivities. People who suffer from allergies are also prone to developing nasal polyps.
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4 Foods to Avoid with Osteoporosis

4 Foods to Avoid with Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the body cannot maintain an adequate amount of bone strength. Since diet plays a major part in bone health, limiting certain foods can reduce the chances of aggravating brittleness and pain in the bones. So while one should eat calcium-rich foods to improve bone health, they must also try to limit the foods mentioned here to reduce osteoporosis symptoms. 1. Coffee Most people in our country can’t begin the day without their cup of coffee. Some have at least three cups to get through their day. Consuming excess amounts of coffee can be harmful to one’s bones. The caffeine present in coffee flushes out calcium deposits, which can in no way benefit those with osteoporosis. This can lead to bone loss and brittle bones. However, if one finds it difficult to give up coffee, they can try switching to decaf. Also, avoiding other caffeinated drinks like teas and sodas may be an excellent option to maintain bone health. 2. Legumes Legumes have phytates that can reduce the body’s ability to absorb calcium. We know that calcium is essential for bone health, so foods with phytates like grains, beans, and peas need to be avoided by those with osteoporosis.
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