Essential Ingredients for Healthy Cat Treats

Essential Ingredients for Healthy Cat Treats

Choosing treats for your cats is no piece of cake. You have to ensure that your cat likes the treat and that it is healthy for them. And while we cannot account for your cat’s taste, we can help you understand what makes a treat healthy. This article will focus on which ingredients make a healthy treat and how to read the labels.

Checking for healthy ingredients in a cat treat
When it comes to picking out a healthy treat, we need to choose one that has ingredients that makes it “complete” and “balanced.” Here are a few ingredients that you should look for in a healthy cat treat.

1. Protein
Cats are carnivores in nature, and their growth depends on the proteins that they consume. This is why you must only buy treats that have a high-protein item as the first ingredient on their label. But, you should not buy treats that simply mention “meat.” Instead, buy those that name the kind of meat they use in their treats. Opt for those that have chicken, lamb, beef, salmon, and even turkey as their first ingredient.

2. Healthy fats
Another essential ingredient of a healthy cat diet is healthy fats. Much like humans, cats need their omega fatty acids, which can be found in foods such as eggs, flaxseeds, and even fish. Healthy fats should make up around 20% of a cat’s diet. Although treats are not part of a cat’s everyday diet, you want to ensure that they have the right amount of healthy fats.

3. Probiotics
A healthy tummy means a healthy body. And what better than probiotics to promote a healthy stomach? These friendly bacteria help with the absorption of nutrients in the body and help keep your cat’s immune system strong. When you’re buying a treat for your cat, look for one that promotes gut health and contains probiotics.

Other essential ingredients on cat treats would include foods that are high in vitamins and minerals. If you find the label on cat treats vague, you can always get in touch with the manufacturer. They will be able to provide you with all the answers that you need. You could also ask your cat’s vet to recommend foods that are good for your pet. Knowing the calorie count is very important, as treats should only make up for 10% of the calories your cat consumes.

Reading the label
When it comes to choosing the right cat treat, we want to ensure that it is both delicious and healthy. This makes it essential to read the label well and understand how each ingredient on it will help your cat become healthy. Some treats are tailored to ensure that your cat has a great and shiny coat. Other treats are best suited for oral care.

A lot of the time, labels on prepackaged cat treats do not always contain the nutrients that are present in the food. At times, they also do not provide us with the number of calories that are present in the food. This makes it difficult to understand if the treat is healthy or not.

Another way to know if your cat’s treats are healthy is to check if it has been approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). They help set the standards by which foods and treats for animals should be produced.