The Best Time to Drink Water for Maximum Health Benefits

The Best Time to Drink Water for Maximum Health Benefits

Determining how much water to drink each day can be a challenge. Experts don’t always agree and recommendations may vary depending on the source. According to research conducted by the National Academy of Medicine, men should aim for about 15.5 cups of water per day and women should aim for about 11.5 cups per day, adjusting for factors like activity level and environment. When you choose to drink your water is also an important factor. Whether you prefer bottled water, natural flavored sparkling water, premium spring water, or tap water in a variety of cool water bottles—or maybe you’re considering installing an in-home water filtration system?—drinking water at these times can help you see the most benefit:

1. Before each meal
It’s common to enjoy a beverage with a meal, but drinking a glass of water before each meal can be especially helpful. Research shows that drinking water before a meal helps you feel more full, which then helps prevent overeating. One study found that participants who drank about two cups of water before eating experienced significant changes in weight and body fat levels. Another found that people who drank water before a meal ate nearly 13 percent less than those who did not.

2. First thing in the morning
While many people start their day with a cup of coffee or tea, kicking off your day with a glass of water is a great choice. You’ve just gone six to eight hours without drinking anything at all, so when you wake up, rehydration is critical. Both coffee and tea contain caffeine, which is dehydrating. This doesn’t mean that you need to eliminate them, but drinking water first thing in the morning also boosts your alertness, so you may find that you no longer need them!

3. Consistently throughout the day
Your body needs consistent hydration to function at its best. Sipping throughout the day helps you feel more energized, keep your digestive system regular, improve your focus and concentration, improve your heart and kidney function, keep your skin supple and healthy, and prevent headaches and muscle cramps. Choose fun colorful water bottles or install a water filtration system to ensure you have access and motivation to keep drinking water throughout the day and see how much better you feel!

4. Before and during exercise
Keep water bottles close at hand before and during your exercise sessions. According to the American Council on Exercise, you should drink 20 ounces of water a few hours before you exercise, 8 ounces half an hour before you exercise or while you warm up, and 10 ounces of water at 20-minute intervals throughout the workout, modifying for factors like a hot and humid environment, how heavy you sweat, and the intensity of your exercise. The key is to replace the fluid you lost and prevent dehydration.

5. After your workout
Just because you finished your workout doesn’t mean you’re done drinking water. Even going for a brisk walk on a warm day can cause your body to lose a full pound of water in an attempt to regulate your temperature. The American Council on Exercise recommends that you drink 8 ounces of water within a half an hour following your workout because your body can take in fluids most efficiently during this time period.