The 8 Worst Foods for Asthma and Allergies

The 8 Worst Foods for Asthma and Allergies

Allergies and asthma often go hand in hand; the same triggers for allergy symptoms are often also triggers for asthma. Things like pollen, dust, pet dander, and some foods can be a trigger for the two. There are some treatment options, like Flonase nose spray for allergies and asthma prescription medicines. In addition to using these, you should try to avoid the triggers as best you can. When it comes to your diet, it can be hard to eliminate your favorites, but if it helps you avoid a stuffy nose, hives, itchy eyes, breathlessness, and coughing, it might just be worth it. Here are the 8 worst foods for asthma and allergies that you should avoid:

1. Shellfish

While containing sulfites that worsen asthma by affecting the airway mucosa and potentially triggering bronchospasm, shellfish are large allergens for many individuals. Although the exact relation is unknown, there is a link between asthma and allergies—if you have asthma, you may also be allergic to shellfish.

2. Beans

We all know that beans cause bloating and gas build up, but did you know that this can put pressure on your diaphragm and leave you feeling short of breath? In combination, the bloating and chest pressure, and any anxiety or stress you experience from the feeling of it, can cause an asthma attack. Beans are high allergens, and even cooking and inhaling bean protein can trigger an allergic reaction that, in turn, may result in an asthmatic attack—another area where allergies and asthma are related.

3. Dairy 

Dairy is the food group everyone loves, but most body’s hate. Lactose can be hard on the digestive system, in some more than others, and can make you bloated or make you feel congested and full of phlegm—definitely not good for your airways. This allergy associated response to dairy can then cause issues with breathing. The good news is that it likely won’t cause an asthma attack, but it may impact your airways with bloating pressure and mucus.

4. Processed meats

For all you meat-lovers, you will hate to hear that most processed meats use sulfites as a preservative, and as you know, sulfites worsen asthma symptoms. If you’re dealing with allergies as well, processed meats contain inflammatory saturated fats that will worsen symptoms of allergies and asthma alike.

5. Bread and refined carbohydrates

Bread and refined carbohydrates increase inflammation in the body—again, not a good mix with allergies and asthma. Furthermore, white bread, pastries, pizza dough, and other refined carbs can trigger mucus that is likely already out of control in your body due to your allergies and asthma.

6. Fat-heavy spreads and dips

Butter, margarine, cream cheese, french onion dip, sour cream, and mayonnaise are all fat heavy, meaning they will trigger inflammation in your body and make your allergy and asthma symptoms worse. These spreads and dips also often contain dairy, thus containing lactose, which can make you feel congested and produce more phlegm.

7. Fried foods

Fried foods made from frozen, processed foods contain preservatives and artificial colors that can inflame your lungs and worsen allergy and asthma symptoms. If you already experience shortness of breath or coughing, consuming fried foods that contribute to inflammation will make it even worse. As sad as it is, it will only benefit you to say goodbye to those greasy french fries and fried chicken.

8. Alcohol

Alcohol can trigger inflammation and aggravate your body with the sulfites. Furthermore, if you’re already struggling with your allergy or asthma symptoms, alcohol can add stress on your body—it’s probably best to avoid it if you’re already feeling a bit under the weather. If you want to enjoy a beverage, though, avoid beer and wine as they are higher in sulfites, instead reach for gin or vodka and mix with soda water.