The 5 Worst States to Live in with Arthritis

The 5 Worst States to Live in with Arthritis

Several people all over the country fight their battles against arthritis each day. The condition interferes with your day-to-day activities as it is painful and results in tenderness and swelling. There are a few things that can help you reduce your troubles. Lifestyle changes, dietary changes, or probably even moving to another state can help a lot! So, here are five of the worst states to live in for those with arthritis.

1. Oklahoma
Oklahoma is one of the worst states to live in if you have arthritis. Humidity is one of the most significant problems here along with fewer healthcare facilities available for arthritis. The humidity and constant heat worsen joint pain and trigger a flare-up. Even though there are several individuals suffering from the condition in the state, Oklahoma makes it on the top of the list for states to avoid for people with arthritis.

2. Mississippi
Mississippi’s climate consists of hot and humid summers, cooler but rainy winters, and intense humidity which does not prove to be good for people with arthritis. In addition to that, the availability of healthcare or doctors that you may need could be challenging to access. So, if you or a loved one is suffering from arthritis, you may want to pass living in this state.

3. Louisiana
Although Louisiana is a great state, it might not be the perfect one for those with arthritis. Being one of the rainiest states in the country, it exhibits a very humid climate. Humid summers, rainy winters, and an erratic hurricane season make it hard for people with arthritis to find the appropriate care or help they need. The erratic weather also triggers chronic pain in the joints.

4. Massachusetts
Massachusetts is one of the rainiest states as well as one with freezing temperatures. Both humidity and cold are triggers for the condition, increasing joint sensitivity and swelling. The climate thus causes people with arthritis to experience a tremendous amount of pain. Although it comprises good quality healthcare facilities and an adequate number of medical professionals specializing in arthritis, the services are expensive, making it another one of the worst states for arthritis patients.

5. Georgia
Georgia’s climate is extremely unpredictable and people living in this state experience a constant shift in the weather, which leads to a shift in the barometric pressure too. This affects people suffering from arthritis. To add to the climate problem, healthcare focusing on arthritis and joint issues in this state is not up to the mark either. People also struggle to acquire comprehensive insurance policies covering joint disorders. So, if you have arthritis, Georgia is a big no-no for you.