Symptoms and Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer

Symptoms and Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is characterized by tumors formed in the pancreas, the symptoms start showing when the cancer-causing cells have substantially spread. The symptoms accompanied by this disease include blood clots, nausea, loss of appetite, back and stomach pain, weight loss and jaundice. Let’s take a closer look at the risk factors of pancreatic cancer, the silent-spreading disease.

Risk factors influence the possibility of developing a disease. We have listed below the factors that contribute to the illness. Understanding the risk factors can help you prevent the disease. However, some risk factors are genetic and there’s no control over them.

1. Age
Age is one of the top risk factors for many diseases. People aged 45 and above are at higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer. However, it’s a disease that can be diagnosed at any age.

2. Gender
Men are more susceptible to developing pancreatic cancer as compared to women. This could also be associated with more tobacco use among men.

3. Family history
If two or more close relatives in your family have or have had pancreatic cancer in the past, your chances of developing this illness increases.

4. Inherited genetic syndrome
Genetic mutations are passed down from parents to children. These inherited genetic syndromes not only pose the risk of developing pancreatic cancer but also cause other diseases such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and Lynch syndrome, among others.

Risk factors of pancreatic cancer that can be controlled include the following.

1. Obesity
Being obese can manifest many illnesses, and pancreatic cancer is one among them. People who are overweight have an increased 20% risk of developing this disease.

2. Lack of exercise
An inactive lifestyle has many adverse effects. This can be a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. People who follow a regular exercise routine manage to keep many infections and illnesses at bay.

3. Tobacco use
This is one of the key contributors to pancreatic cancer. The risk of pancreatic cancer is the highest among smokers. Electronic cigarettes and cigars also add to the risk. Pancreatic cancer patients who curbed smoking saw significant improvement in their symptoms.

4. Diabetes
People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer, especially type 2 diabetes. And this type of diabetes is often accompanied by obesity, adding another risk to the illness.

5. Chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by long-term inflammation of the pancreas, which can further increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. The most common cause of chronic pancreatitis is the excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking. So, it’s highly recommended to control or completely avoid the intake of both as they can be a causal factor for other illnesses as well.

6. Exposure to certain chemicals
Exposure to toxic chemicals from metal industries, dry cleaning, and chemical factories can pose a high risk of pancreatic cancer.