Hepatitis C – Top Symptoms and Causes

Hepatitis C – Top Symptoms and Causes

Hepatitis C is a disease that causes inflammation of the liver. It is a blood-borne disease that spreads via the hepatitis-C virus (HCV) and can cause serious damage to your liver. It can lead to other complications like liver cancer or liver failure and if left untreated, can also lead to the death of an individual. Type C is the most serious among other Hepatitis infections. In this article, we will be discussing the most prominent symptoms and causes of hepatitis C.

1. Symptoms
The symptoms of hepatitis C are usually unnoticeable when the infection is still acute. However, when the infection begins to increase, you may experience mild to extreme symptoms. Some of the commonly experienced symptoms are

  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Yellow discoloration
  • Weight loss
  • Pain in the joints or muscles
  • Abnormal urine and bowel movements
  • Mood swings

2. Causes
Hepatitis C is transmitted if the blood of an infected person contains the HCV. If you come in contact with the blood of an infected person, you can contract hepatitis C. Other bodily fluids also contain the virus, however, the effects of the virus are not as strong as those in blood. The virus can survive outside the body too. Here are a few of the causes of hepatitis C.

  • Injections
    Any injections that aren’t sterilized properly may carry traces of blood from the previous user. Infections can easily spread if such needles contaminated with blood from an infected person are shared or reused. This usually takes place among people who inject performance drugs into their bodies.
  • Unprotected Sex
    Although the chances are slim, there is a possibility of contracting the hepatitis c virus during unprotected sexual intercourse. Due to the presence of blood, the chances are higher when a woman is menstruating.
  • Sharing Personal Items
    Personal belongings like toothbrushes, razors or scissors may have traces of infected blood on them. Sharing such belongings can cause the infection to spread from one person to another. Even salons that do not sterilize, clean, or replace their equipment like scissors from time to time can be carriers of the infection.
  • Tattoos and Piercings
    If needles used for tattoos or equipment used for piercings are not kept clean and sterilized properly, there are slim chances of contracting hepatitis C. This is why maintaining and sanitizing instruments should be a top priority.
  • Blood Donations and Transfusions
    If the blood that is used for transfusions is not checked before use, you may have a small chance of contracting the illness. Medical equipment that is used for transfusions and donations, if not sterilized properly can be harmful to the donor and the receiver.

Hepatitis C can be diagnosed with a simple blood test and cured by medication easily. If you suspect to have contracted Hepatitis C, speak to your doctor and get the appropriate treatment at the earliest.