Early Warning Signs of Dementia and Care Options to Consider

Early Warning Signs of Dementia and Care Options to Consider

Dementia is a general term for several diseases that cause an impaired ability to remember, think, be decisive, and impact social abilities, interfering with the patients’ every day tasks and activities. If you or someone you love is showing signs of dementia, this is nothing to ignore. Dementia patients progressively require more and more care, and it’s essential to consider things like care homes for dementia or Alzheimer’s patients, great call alerts and medical call alert systems for seniors in independent assisted living homes. Here are some early warning signs to watch out for in you and your loved ones:

1. Memory loss that impacts everyday tasks
Occasional forgetfulness is normal, but if you’re consistently missing appointments, forgetting the names of colleagues, or blanking on a friend’s phone number, this may be a sign of dementia.

2. Challenges with performing familiar tasks
Familiar tasks, like cooking dinner or getting dressed, may be challenging to complete if you have dementia. If you notice yourself forgetting to put on socks or serving your side salad with dinner, and it’s happening often, you should get yourself checked.

3. Problems with language
Being unable to find the right words to express yourself can happen from time to time, but if you’re forgetting simple words, cannot find substitute words, and say things that are difficult to understand, this can be a sign of dementia.

4. Disorientation to location and time
Disorientation in dementia patients can be so severe that they get lost on their own street and cannot find their way home. Occasional forgetfulness with things like what day of the week it is or getting lost while driving happens to all of us, but consistent or more severe forgetfulness and disorientation is a raise for concern.

5. Issues with problem-solving and impaired judgment
Abstract thinking may be very challenging due to a loss of understanding with dementia. What’s more, dementia can have you making questionable choices and potentially putting yourself at risk. This type of challenge with dementia should be noticed and reported to medical professionals sooner than later.

In addition to watching for these early warning signs, it’s important to watch your diet and eat foods that support brain health. Whether you have received a diagnosis or are just wanting to support your brain function and well-being, there are foods to eat and avoid. It’s important to consume things like fatty fish, flax seeds, walnuts, green tea, berries, avocados, and more nutritious foods for a healthy brain. On the other hand, you should avoid alcohol, sugary drinks, refined grains, fried foods, and processed foods.