7 Simple Tips to Keep Cold and Flu Away

7 Simple Tips to Keep Cold and Flu Away

People come down with the flu, cough, or cold way too often, which has made falling ill seem normal. That said, feeling under the weather or catching a cold wouldn’t be so common with hygienic habits in place. Not only do these illnesses make you feel drowsy and lethargic, but they can also cause weakness and interfere with your routine. Follow these simple prevention tips for cold and flu and stay healthy:

1. Wear a face mask
Doctors everywhere insist on wearing a mask because viruses can enter the body through the nose and mouth. A face mask can prevent contact with germs in the air and reduce the chances of viral transmission between people. So, wear a mask that fits your face well and covers your nose and mouth properly.

2. Sanitize your hands regularly
Respiratory illnesses like cold and cough spread easily with unclean hands. To keep your hands free of germs, use an alcohol-based sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water, especially before eating meals or touching your face. This will kill germs and curb the spread of diseases.

3. Avoid direct contact with the sick
You may have noticed several family members taking ill at once. This happens because viruses spread easily between people, and in more ways than one. Sneezing, coughing, or a used tissue lying around can immediately transmit germs, bacteria, and viruses. Maintain at least three feet of distance from those who are sick, and use gloves and masks while taking care of family members who are ill.

4. Use new tissues
Another effective prevention tip for cold and flu is to use clean tissues to prevent contracting viruses. It may also help to advise others around you to do the same. Ensure that the tissues are new, unused, and have not been lying around collecting dust. If you are habituated to using a handkerchief, wash it with a disinfectant after use.

5. Don’t touch your face
Some of us have the habit of touching our faces for no particular reason, but this puts us at risk of contracting the flu. This is because we often unknowingly touch contaminated surfaces with our hands. So, try to avoid bringing your hands to your face, especially the eyes, nose, and mouth.

6. Get a flu shot
A flu shot shields you from virus strains by inducing the body to release antibodies, and it is known to reduce the chances of flu by 40-60 percent. If you’re prone to falling sick due to seasonal changes, consider getting a flu shot as a preventive measure.

7. Keep your surroundings clean
Staying hygienic on the whole can go a long way in keeping you healthy. Changing the sheets, pillow covers, and towels regularly and washing them with a disinfectant can keep germs at bay. A simple yet effective prevention tip for cold and flu is to keep the indoors dust-free by cleaning the furniture and walls twice a week.