5 Natural Remedies for Fighting Hyperhidrosis

5 Natural Remedies for Fighting Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessive sweating. Patients suffering from the problem tend to sweat out for no apparent reason, and it can even lead to disruption in day to day activities. The good news, though, is that different forms of treatment can help control and manage hyperhidrosis. Medications and dietary changes can resolve the problem, while surgery to remove the sweat glands is effective for more severe cases.

Natural remedies are also extensively used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. They’re easy to incorporate and prove quite effective in controlling sweat and its associated effects. While tons of different substances can prove useful against excessive sweating, these six items are both potent and easy to find or make in most households.

1. Lemon
Lemon is one of the most effective natural remedies against excessive sweating and bad odor. The citric acid in it helps reduce sweating and fights off the bacteria responsible for unpleasant odor. What’s more, you can incorporate it in different ways. You can either cut it in half and apply it on your underarms, or mix the juice with baking soda and then apply the mixture.

2. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil combats sweating better than most types of essential oils. It acts as an astringent, helping cleanse the skin by eliminating harmful bacteria responsible for bad odor. Soak cotton balls in tea tree oil and then apply it under your arms and in other sweaty areas.

3. Green and Black Tea
There are numerous health benefits of both green and black tea. They reduce obesity, promote heart health, and even boost liver function. More importantly for hyperhidrosis patients, however, green and black tea reduces sweating and fight off the odor-causing bacteria. Green tea is especially important as it improves the overall skin health and also constricts the sweat glands, thus stopping the production of sweat. To soak all of its benefits, drink it daily and rub it underarms as well.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Like green tea, apple cider vinegar is also super helpful in reducing sweat and hyperhidrosis symptoms. It is proven to kill bacteria, which is why it is popularly used as a disinfectant. It can also close pores in the skin, thereby reducing the amount of sweat. Various other skin problems like acne can additionally be easily addressed using apple cider vinegar. Include it in your diet or apply it directly over the skin for the best results.

5. Baking Soda and Cornstarch
When used together in the right amount, and for the right duration, baking soda and cornstarch can significantly reduce sweating. Both substances absorb water, with baking soda also acting as a natural deodorant which helps against the unpleasant odor. For effective results, mix the two or apply them separately over the skin. Rinse it after letting it rest for 20-30 minutes.