6 Early Indications of Colon Cancer

6 Early Indications of Colon Cancer

Not all patients with the same condition show the presence of similar symptoms. Some might experience most of the symptoms, while some others might not display any warning signs at all. The same holds true for colon cancer. However, it is still important to be aware of which signs might be the indication of the illness. Since colon cancer is one of the common forms of cancer, it is even more essential to be aware.
Following are the telltale signs of colon cancer.

1. Unexplained weight loss
Losing a considerable amount of weight without any efforts, can be a warning sign of some kind of health issue. It is a sign for patients to get themselves tested and get timely treatments for whatever is causing them issues. Like many other health conditions, cancer can act as a causative factor of substantial and unexplained weight loss.

2. Presence of blood in the stool
Apart from changes in bowel movements and their appearance, there are some other stool related issues that need to be addressed. In colon cancer patients there are chances that the presence of blood can be noted in the stools. It is one of the common telltale signs of colon cancer and can be a frightening one. There are multiple conditions in which stool can show the presence of blood streaks or its color can represent the presence of blood in it. However, it is a common sign and should be treated as a warning sign.

3. Changes in bowel habits
There are instances when we eat something that does not agree with us and results in either diarrhea or constipation. If the issue is resolved, it is nothing to worry about. But persistent and worsening diarrhea and/or constipation is regarded as a telltale sign of colon cancer. Therefore, it is important to take care of gut health and get tested if things do not seem to resolve.

4. Change in the appearance of stools
It might not be a common notion for people to keep an eye on the appearance of their feces, but it is necessary. The appearance of stool tells us whether or not our digestive system is functioning properly. If the changes in its appearance are consistent and last for a long period of time, it can be a warning sign of colon cancer.

5. Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency or anemia is another prominent symptom of colon cancer. Albeit being a common condition, anemia needs to be treated seriously and timely. It is caused by a low count of red blood cells (RBCs). Some common indicators of anemia resulting from the cause of iron deficiency are rapid heartbeat, loss of energy, and shortness of breath.

6. Fatigue
Cancer patients are frequently fatigued owing to their condition. This symptom cannot be controlled by energy drinks, rest, or resetting one’s schedule to accommodate healthier habits. The fatigue could possibly be a result of the energy drainage caused by the cancer cells. Bowel issues can also be an additional cause of chronic fatigue. The shortness of breath and lack of enough RBCs in the body are other additional factors that can contribute to this telltale sign of colon cancer.