6 Alternative Ways To Counter Dry Eyes

6 Alternative Ways To Counter Dry Eyes

Tears help lubricate the eyes, promote clear vision, and ensure that the eyes are clean. Lack of tears can lead to a condition called dry eyes. As the name suggests, the problem is marked by the deficiency of moisture in the eyes, causing pain, blurred vision, and redness. Environmental factors and various types of underlying conditions usually lead to dry eyes.

Fortunately, the condition can be treated in quite a few ways. Conventional treatment methods involve using tear-stimulating medications or light therapy. Popular alternative ways of treatment make use of simple but effective techniques and substances to increase the production of tears. To help you, here are six alternative treatment methods for dry eyes.

1. Stay hydrated

It sounds easy but staying hydrated can get challenging if you’re suffering from dry eyes. The constant pain and irritation due to the condition might make you forget about drinking water, leaving you dehydrated and uncomfortable. Regular water intake also ensures that the eye fluids are replenished continuously, thereby keeping the eyes in proper condition.

2. Blink regularly

Yet another easy way to treat dry eyes is to blink more frequently. This helps evenly distribute eye fluids, while it also renews tear film and provides overall protection to the eyes. If you’re used to staring at a screen and have dry eyes, you should ideally blink more than 15 times a minute.

3. Eat foods containing omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their health benefits. They’re packed with almost every nutrient and help in the better maintenance and overall development of the different organs in the body. DHA, which is a type of omega-3 fatty acid, promotes eye health by preventing damage to the retina. Omega-3 also improves the eye’s oil film, which in turn aids in producing more tears.

4. Rest your eyes

Sometimes rest is all you need. Watching TV, staring at a computer or phone screen can deteriorate your eyesight, making your eyes even drier. A simple way to address the problem is taking regular breaks to simply rest your eyes. Watch something other than a digital screen, or simply close your eyes for some time.

5. Use warm compress

A warm compress over the eyes helps produce more lipids, molecules that form building blocks of living cells. Increased production of lipids increases the quality and quantity of tears, which helps ease symptoms of dry eyes. The compress shouldn’t be too hot as it could destroy the cells of the eyes.

6. Wash your eyes regularly

Dry eyes can be countered by regularly washing your eyes. It helps reduce inflammation and itching, which are commonly reported by people suffering from the problem. For best results, wash your eyes gently multiple times a day.