5 Reasons to Choose Clear Braces

5 Reasons to Choose Clear Braces

If you require braces to get your smile straightened, you might have realized that there are plenty of options available. Among them, ceramic braces, or clear braces, are one of the most popular choices. They work like traditional metal braces but have some critical differences. It’s essential to know that different types of braces have their own sets of pros and cons. Here, we’ve highlighted the key reasons why you must choose clear braces.

1. They don’t attract much attention
This is one of the biggest reasons why people choose clear braces. Although their shape is the same as the traditional braces, the brackets attached to the teeth are smaller and translucent, making them less visible. And if you pair that with clear or tooth-colored archwires (which you easily can), these braces become nearly invisible. Most adults and kids feel self-conscious to wear metal braces for several months, so the offer of nearly-invisible braces is attractive to everyone.

2. Excellent durability
Since clear braces are made of ceramic, some people believe that they are weaker than traditional braces made of metal. Well, this is not true. Although metal is generally tougher than ceramic, the design and application of ceramic braces have improved significantly over the years, making them as durable as their metal counterparts.

3. Work faster than clear aligners
If you’ve been exploring your options for braces, you might have come across clear aligners with companies like SmileDirect Club, etc. Clear aligners offer a few advantages over clear braces, but when it comes to the total duration of dental treatment, braces get the job done faster. This is so because braces stay in your teeth all the time till the treatment is finished.

Since you need to remove clear aligners for meals, cleaning, and in certain other situations, they tend to remain in your teeth for 20 to 22 hours per day. Also, sometimes, after removing the aligner for cleaning, people forget to put them back and lose them, further increasing the treatment duration. So, you must choose clear braces if you’re looking to fix your misaligned teeth quickly.

4. Easy to remove post-treatment
Before getting any braces, it is vital to ask your dentist whether it’s easy to take them off once the treatment is complete. Some bracket-bonding adhesives are very harsh on your teeth and can damage the enamel during the removal procedure. But with clear braces, you don’t need to worry, as technological advances have made bracket removal easier, reducing the risk of damaging your tooth enamel.

5. Comfortable
Another important reason why you should choose clear braces is that they are more comfortable than metal ones. This is so because they have smaller, rounded brackets made of ceramic, ensuring you experience less gum irritation and discomfort. In general, all braces are uncomfortable, but clear braces are a lot more bearable than the traditional ones.