5 Most Effective Modes of Birth Control

5 Most Effective Modes of Birth Control

Birth control is when one prevents pregnancy using methods such as medications, procedures, and devices. When it comes to birth control modes, there is no single “best” option for every woman. What birth control mode is right for another woman might not be suitable for another. Moreover, at different stages of life, one might want to use different methods, depending on various factors.

So, here are some of the most effective modes of birth control.

1. Female and male sterilization
This is the most effective mode of birth control, as it makes pregnancy nearly impossible. This is the best option for men and women who are sure that they do not want a child in the future. The method involves surgical procedures like tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men. Both procedures are safe, and recovery only takes a few days. Also, it’s crucial to know that neither of these procedures impacts sexual functions in any way.

2. Long-acting reversible contraceptives
This is another very effective mode of birth control that reduces pregnancy by 99%. As the name suggests, long-acting contraceptives are for women looking for an effective, long-lasting birth control technique. This birth control method involves inserting an implant into a woman’s arm or an IUD (intrauterine device) into the uterus. Different kinds of IUDs work differently, but all essentially prevent the sperm from fertilizing the eggs. Depending on the specific implant or IUD, this birth control method will remain effective for 3 to 10 years.

3. Short-acting hormonal contraception
With 91-95% efficacy, this is yet another effective mode of birth control. Hormonal contraception alters the levels of natural estrogen and/or progestin in the body to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. Some common ways to achieve this involves using birth control pills, birth control patches, birth control shots, or vaginal rings. Depending on the method, one might need these once every day, month, or every three months.

4. Barrier methods
Barrier methods are the most popular mode of birth control. However, they are not as effective as the ones mentioned above, and one would need to use them each time they engage in sexual intercourse. Barrier methods involve using male and female condoms, sponges, diaphragms, cervical caps, and spermicide to prevent pregnancy. Although each device works differently, they essentially prevent the sperm from fertilizing the eggs. Barrier methods are completely safe, and those involving condoms can even offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Emergency contraception
This mode of birth control is helpful when one has had sexual intercourse without using any type of protection. However, for emergency contraception to be most effective, one must use it as soon as possible. Generally, one needs to use it within three to five days of having unprotected sex. Emergency contraceptives typically come in the form of a pill and work by temporarily blocking eggs from being produced.