5 Lifestyle Tips That Can Help Manage and Treat UTI

5 Lifestyle Tips That Can Help Manage and Treat UTI

More than 8 million people suffer from urinary tract infections (UTI) in the country every year. It leads to symptoms such as the frequent urge to urinate, blood in the urine, and pain in the upper back. The severity of these symptoms depends on whether the microbes have taken refuge in the upper or lower urinary tract. While antibiotics and antivirals are commonly prescribed for the disease, these simple lifestyle tips prove equally helpful.

5 Lifestyle Tips That Can Help Manage and Treat UTI

1. Drink a lot of water
Water is a great filter that can help prevent as well as treat UTI. The water you drink goes into the kidney, from where it passes into the bladder to be flushed out. There, it nullifies the effect of UTI-causing microbes and flushes it with it during urination. Additionally, water can help reduce symptoms like burning as it dilutes the urine and makes it less harmful. 10 to 12 glasses of water is generally recommended for people suffering from UTI or similar problems.

2. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugary drinks
It’s best to avoid caffeinated beverages and sugary drinks until your UTI has cured completely. Caffeine and similar drinks act as a diuretic, making you urinate more frequently. Caffeine can also cause dehydration, which can cause complications to your urinary tract. Alcohol, meanwhile, has a similar effect and it increases the acidity of urine as well. This is worrying for your urinary tract and it may lead to irritation in the bladder lining, which can aggravate UTI symptoms.

3. Don’t hold back urine
Not going to the bathroom when you need to can prove to be costly if you’re suffering from UTI. Holding back urine allows it to accumulate in the bladder. It then becomes highly concentrated and causes irritation in the urinary tract. Bacteria also grow rapidly in a urine-filled environment. To avoid complications, head to the bathroom whenever your body tells you to.

4. Decrease the salt consumption
A sodium-heavy diet isn’t ideal for someone with UTI. The mineral is known to increase blood pressure, which over time, has a negative effect on kidney health. Too much salt might even cause dehydration, which complicates stuff in the urinary tract. Hence, as one of the lifestyle tips for UTI, decrease, or avoid, consumption of salt if you’re suffering from the condition.

5. Be mindful about microbes before and after sex
Microorganisms like bacteria can be easily transferred during sex. A way to avoid this is to maintain hygiene before and after sex. Clean your genitals properly, both before and after sexual intercourse. Urination after sex is also helpful as it can help flush out the bacteria that may have entered the urinary tract.