3 Natural Remedies to Manage Sleep Apnea Symptoms

3 Natural Remedies to Manage Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects the breathing of an individual while sleeping. This condition often causes breathlessness while sleeping. Many who have sleep apnea are not aware of this condition; however, if left undiagnosed and untreated, this condition can lead to a multitude of health complications.

The symptoms of sleep apnea are often misunderstood as snoring, but it can lead to poor mental health, exhaustion, memory loss, an increased risk of heart failure, and poor immune function. Common modes of medication and treatment for sleep apnea include breathing aids and surgery. However, simple lifestyle changes can also help. To help you, here are three natural ways to manage sleep apnea.

1. Maintain a healthy weight
Research has shown that a higher level of upper body weight can put pressure on and obstruct the nasal passages. These obstructions can lead to a shortage of breath or other breathing troubles while sleeping, which can lead to sleep apnea. Maintaining a healthy weight can actually help, as it reduces the pressure on and the resulting obstruction of the air pipe. Maintaining a healthy weight can also reduce the need for upper airway surgery or CPAP therapy. One of the best ways of maintaining a healthy weight is by following a regular exercise routine. You can start with light activities such as walking, cycling, and swimming and then move on to more strenuous activities such as weight lifting.

2. Practice yoga
Regular exercise and a healthy diet are essential natural ways to manage sleep apnea. Exercise helps you strengthen your body and improves heart function. But, it is also important to improve your breathing capabilities, and yoga will help you with this. Yoga is known to specifically improve respiratory strength and even help with the flow of oxygen in the body. Individuals who suffer from sleep apnea usually have lower levels of oxygen saturation in the body. Yoga can help with increasing the oxygen levels in the body. This will ensure that you have a good and uninterrupted night’s rest.

3.  Try changing your sleeping position
One of the natural ways to manage sleep apnea is understanding the right position to sleep for your body. Research has shown that a great portion of obstructive sleep apnea is caused by wrong sleeping positions. Many studies have shown that sleeping on your back can actually worsen symptoms of sleep apnea. Instead, if you’re an adult, try sleeping on your side as it will alleviate the obstruction. Discuss your sleeping position with your doctor and find what works best for you.

Other natural ways to manage sleep apnea include humidifiers, avoiding the consumption of alcohol, quitting smoking, and using machines to help ease breathing. If these remedies do not work, consult a doctor at the earliest.