10 Healthy Reasons to Drink Coffee

10 Healthy Reasons to Drink Coffee

Coffee is perhaps your favorite thing to have in the morning! Despite all the negative things that you might have heard about caffeine content in your morning cup of coffee, researchers have also discovered many physical and psychological benefits of this drink. And, in this article, we’ve decided to focus on the latter. For the uninitiated, these 10 reasons to drink coffee every day will give a better idea.

1. It’s Packed With Antioxidants
Studies suggest that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in most people’s diets in the country. Although fruits and veggies are loaded with antioxidants, our bodies seem to absorb the most amount of antioxidants from a cup of coffee.

2. The Smell Is Calming
Well, it seems like just smelling coffee has benefits. Researchers have discovered that coffee’s aroma can cause changes in the proteins in your brain, resulting in reduced stress levels. This is especially true when stress is caused by lack of sleep.

3. Coffee Makes You Happier
No, we’re not talking about the “caffeine rush.” Scientists believe that high levels of antioxidants in coffee makes you feel better. Also, a Harvard study found that drinking coffee can lower the risk of depression. So, of all the 10 reasons, this is perhaps the most compelling one to drink coffee.

4. Boosts Physical Performance
If you want to get some extra physical activity done, coffee can help you. It increases the number of fatty acids in your bloodstream, allowing you to use them for fuel. This way, your body saves its carbohydrate reserves and uses them later when the fats are exhausted.

5. Prevents Cognitive Decline
A study found that drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day for those aged between 40 and 60 can decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia later in life by about 65 percent.

6. It’s Good for Your Heart
Coffee is heart-friendly when consumed in moderation. The risk of heart disease is reduced by 20 percent if 2-4 cups are consumed every day.

7. It’s Good for Your Liver
The risk of liver cirrhosis is reduced by about 20 percent if at least a cup is had a day. Liver cirrhosis is a life-threatening disease that can lead to liver failure.

8. It Helps Lose Weight
Caffeine can boost your metabolic rate by 3 to 11 percent, helping you burn fat more effectively. Also, it makes your body break down fats quickly and use them as fuel as well as encourages fat-burning-hormone production.

9. It May Protect Against Certain Cancers
Coffee consumption lowers the risk of endometrial cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Also, drinking coffee daily is associated with lower incidences of cancers of the liver, colon, breast, and rectum.

10. It Increases Your Lifespan
Multiple studies have associated drinking coffee with a reduced risk of numerous diseases. Well, this, and all other benefits mentioned above translate to a longer life.